Take action: HB 238-FN (“Right-to-Work”) vote

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have received confirmation that HB 238-FN (“Right-to-Work”) will be up for a full vote in the New Hampshire House of Representatives on Thursday, February 13. This bill is first on the calendar — you can view it by clicking here.

We need your help to urge legislators to vote NO on HB 238-FN. Our opposition is ramping up their efforts—Americans for Prosperity and the National Right-to-Work Committee are targeting pro-labor Republican legislators with high-volume patch-through calls, pressuring them to support this anti-worker bill. One of our reliable anti-RTW Republican allies received 60 calls in a single day from “supporters” of “Right-to-Work.”

With just days left before the vote, we must act now. Contact every legislator you can and expand our outreach efforts—because our opponents already are.

Take action now! Share this link with your networks—it will automatically connect callers to key legislators so they can urge a NO vote on HB 238-FN.

Together, we can stop this attack on New Hampshire workers.

In solidarity,

Bob Butler
SMART Northeast Regional Council